From August 2 to August 17 2013
Participant biography
Friday, August 16, 2013
Centre sportif - Université de Sherbrooke
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Centre sportif - Université de Sherbrooke
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Centre sportif - Université de Sherbrooke
Monday, August 12, 2013
Centre Claude Robillard - Montréal
Junior Diving Nationals D Age Group
Junior Diving Nationals D Age Group
Junior Diving Nationals D Age Group
To compete all my dive lists cleanly and to get personal best scores in all my events.
Best score on Open Platform is 240.55, Open 3m is 226.7 and Open 1m is 201.1
Top National E Tier II Diver 2009, Top Provincial D Diver 2011
Alex Despatie for winning Gold on Platform at the Commonwealth Games at age 13.
Youngest member of the Sask Diving Team. Recovered from a spinal cord traction injury in 2012.